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    Handling of personal information

    Please check the following, and check "I agree with the privacy policy."

    Privacy policy

    In order to fully recognize the importance of personal information and carefully protect it, we declare that we comply with the following policy.

    Compliance with laws and regulations

    We will comply with laws and other norms concerning personal information held by us and personal information entrusted by customers.

    Collection and use of personal information

    We collect personal information only to the extent necessary for our business. We will clarify the purpose of collecting and using personal information, collect it with the consent of the customer, and limit the use within the range of consent.

    Provision of personal information

    Personal information will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without the consent of the customer. However, we may disclose personal information if we are legally obligated by a judicial or administrative agency.

    Management of personal information

    We will establish a person in charge of management to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information, and maintain handling rules. In addition, we will proactively implement education and security measures to protect personal information for all employees.
    When outsourcing the handling of personal information to other companies or individuals, we will select an outsourcer with a high degree of awareness of personal information protection and make an appropriate contract with the outsourcer, including confidentiality clauses. In addition to the above, based on the personal information protection policy and handling rules, we will instruct and manage the outsourcee appropriately.

    Disclosure/correction/deletion of personal information

    When we receive a request for disclosure, correction, change, deletion, etc. of personal information, we will confirm the identity of the individual and promptly confirm within a reasonable range and respond accordingly. Regarding personal information, we will set a retention period within the range necessary for the purpose of use, and will delete it when that period has passed or the purpose of use has been achieved.
    Continuous improvement Regarding the efforts to protect personal information, we will continuously review and improve it, and manage and perform necessary corrections for proper operation.